Visiting the Big Island during COVID

Visiting the Big Island during COVID

Aloha All Visitors reading my Blog. The problem for any destination that has a Main Feature is how to draw visitors to the Big Island when that feature is not doing its thing. The burning question is whether the destination has other charms for Visitors besides its main feature.Paris without the Eiffel Tower is still amazing Paris, Japan without Mt Fuji is still rich in culture and scenery. Many have visited Italy many times without seeing Rome or the Volcanoes.And so it is with the Big Island, or as our Visitor Bureau likes to call it, "Island of Hawaii". For a…
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A Blog by Doug Arnott, founder and owner of Arnotts

A Blog by Doug Arnott, founder and owner of Arnotts

Douglass Arnott standing in one of Arnotts guest areas. While 2020 with Covid raging around the world has presented its challenges, we find ourselves approaching Christmas with a deep appreciation for Hilo and the Big Island of Hawaii where we are based.Our small population...only 200,000 on a large island and our sense of Ohana (family) and of Kuleana (ones obligation to others) has seen us through; far better than many other places. Going into 2021 we will probably see hesitancy by our usual clients of Paddling, Hula, Soccer, Rugby, Biking, Adventure Hiking and of course our Au Pair camper groups to…
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