The New Eruption of Mauna Loa

The New Eruption of Mauna Loa

Adventure, Hawaii, Hilo, Travel, Volcano
On the evening of November 27th at 11:30 p.m., we were just getting ready to sleep when social media became alive with news of a lurid glow over Mauna Loa and that an eruption was in progress. This announcement followed months of increased activity after years of mild tremor recorded by sensitive instruments placed at strategic points on the mountain. Of course in a very short time the Internet was flooded with pictures from 360 degrees around the mountain of very strong glow. A quick visit to ever-patient HVO research Webcams on Mauna Loa's NW corner of the Caldera Rim showed the entire Caldera of Moku'aweoweo flooded with very hot fresh Lava, and for a while it seemed like it would spill out the Southwest corner toward a very steep…
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Doug Arnott Discusses our SUNSET and stargazing Mauna Kea tour

Doug Arnott Discusses our SUNSET and stargazing Mauna Kea tour

Adventure, Hawaii, Hilo, Travel
Aloha guests and future guests. My Blog today is about our Mauna Kea Summit tour and why some companies advertise the use of expensive telescopes while we use a Laser Pointer, and also why our emphasis is on SUNSET and not so much on stargazing. Most people who go up Mauna Kea, have never experienced anything like this amazing adventure, nor have they experienced the clarity of our atmosphere that has you gasping in wonder with your eyes; not even with binoculars.Many realize for the first time that we are part of a highly visible VAST galaxy that looks like a River of closely associated Stars in their Billions: this is what drove ancient Egyptians to build the Pyramids in perfect alignment with this River.If you want to look through a…
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Hau’oli Makahiki Hou  from Arnott’s Lodge

Hau’oli Makahiki Hou from Arnott’s Lodge

The Christmas Holidays have bought major occupancy back to Hilo hotels, along with the reopening of the Mauna Kea Summit road after a lengthy closure due to cultural differences over construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope. As we have provided free transport to the summit of Mauna Kea to cultural practitioners for the past 27 years, we understand their passion over this issue, which is not finished but on hiatus for the winter. Winter weather in Hawaii usually means night temperatures can drop to the mid 60s F or 17 C with daytime temps still ranging from the mid 70s to 80s F or 23-28 C. This relatively minor change in yearly temperature averages is one of the golden reasons why Hawaii remains such an excellent year-round destination. Our modernized air-conditioning…
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