Visiting the Big Island during COVID

Visiting the Big Island during COVID

Aloha All Visitors reading my Blog. The problem for any destination that has a Main Feature is how to draw visitors to the Big Island when that feature is not doing its thing. The burning question is whether the destination has other charms for Visitors besides its main feature.Paris without the Eiffel Tower is still amazing Paris, Japan without Mt Fuji is still rich in culture and scenery. Many have visited Italy many times without seeing Rome or the Volcanoes.And so it is with the Big Island, or as our Visitor Bureau likes to call it, "Island of Hawaii". For a…
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Mr. Arnott’s January Blog

Aloha to those joining my blog..... There is a move afoot on Oahu to encourage mainlanders who want to (individually or with family) come to Hawaii for remote work, to fulfill their dream by offering good rates for longer stays into months for qualified applicants.We recently had an experience with 30 college-age students who would have gone on overseas trips but, because of Covid, had to stay in the US. This group stayed with us for 3 months, from Sept. through Nov. last year and taught us a great deal about longer-term stays, which we have never entertained before. One…
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A Blog by Doug Arnott, founder and owner of Arnotts

A Blog by Doug Arnott, founder and owner of Arnotts

Douglass Arnott standing in one of Arnotts guest areas. While 2020 with Covid raging around the world has presented its challenges, we find ourselves approaching Christmas with a deep appreciation for Hilo and the Big Island of Hawaii where we are based.Our small population...only 200,000 on a large island and our sense of Ohana (family) and of Kuleana (ones obligation to others) has seen us through; far better than many other places. Going into 2021 we will probably see hesitancy by our usual clients of Paddling, Hula, Soccer, Rugby, Biking, Adventure Hiking and of course our Au Pair camper groups to…
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Updates Around Arnott’s Lodge

Updates Around Arnott’s Lodge

Aloha friends! We hope all of you are staying safe and healthy. These are challenging times for everyone. I think we all have our sights set on that future when things will begin to feel safe and secure again. In preparation for that time, we here at Arnott’s Lodge have been busily beautifying, renovating, and repairing our home. We hope that when the time comes that guests can begin to move about freely again we can provide the safe, clean, secure place that we’ve always provided, but as bright and beautiful as we can make it. Douglass Arnott, owner of…
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Hau’oli Makahiki Hou  from Arnott’s Lodge

Hau’oli Makahiki Hou from Arnott’s Lodge

The Christmas Holidays have bought major occupancy back to Hilo hotels, along with the reopening of the Mauna Kea Summit road after a lengthy closure due to cultural differences over construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope. As we have provided free transport to the summit of Mauna Kea to cultural practitioners for the past 27 years, we understand their passion over this issue, which is not finished but on hiatus for the winter. Winter weather in Hawaii usually means night temperatures can drop to the mid 60s F or 17 C with daytime temps still ranging from the mid 70s to…
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Flying to Hawaii?

Some exciting changes have been going on with the airline offerings to Hawaii! First and foremost, Southwest Airlines has begun offering flights to Hawaii as of March 17th. Their inaugural flight began with nonstop service from California to Honolulu. If you have ever scoped out flights to Hawaii, you may understand why this is big news. It means that Hawaiian Airlines will have some competition, which in turn means cheaper flights to Hawaii (win!) Southwest is even offering flights to the Big Island! One of their new airport stops is in Kailua-Kona, just a skip across the island from us.…
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Hurricane Season in Hawaii

Guess what time of year it is! That's right, it's hurricane season in Hawaii! Every year from the beginning of June to the end of November, Hawaii has its eyes on the Pacific Ocean from Mexico to Japan, watching for weather disturbances. The Central Pacific Basin, in which Hawaii squarely sits, is monitored constantly by NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.) Our busiest month for hurricanes is usually August, followed by September. Let's be real: Hawaii is in a blessed spot. Hurricanes rarely strike us directly, and there are some good scientific reasons for this. First, Hawaii is a…
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Hawaiian Terrestrial Life

Sitting outside on the lanai, enjoying a cool drink and relaxing sea breeze, listening to the crashing waves in the distance...and then you hear it. This small, two-tone animal call. Most visitors to the Island think it is a small bird….but what bird is awake at night? It is actually a tiny, invasive frog endemic to Puerto Rico; the Coqui Frog. They are only one of the many species that somehow managed to find their way to one of the most remote islands in the world. As you travel around this beautiful island of Hawai’i, the diversity of plants and…
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Volcanoes of Hawaii

In lieu of the most recent fissure eruption in the Puna District of the Island of Hawai‘i, we want to clear up some confusion about our volcanoes. Unlike the rest of the volcanoes that surround the Ring of Fire, the Hawaiian Islands were and still are created by a hotspot magma chamber in the asthenosphere. Over this hotspot, the Pacific Tectonic Plate slowly moves. Due to this type of uprising of magma, our Hawaiian Islands form as shield volcanoes. So what is the big confusion? As most of the world is not familiar with the idea that there are many…
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Marine Life in Hawaii

When you hear “Hawai‘i”, what do you first think of? Sunshine, the beach, and the ocean, right? Many travelers coming to the islands often look forward to jumping into our warm waters, whether to surf and swim, or snorkel and dive! Just as the views from above the surface of the water are beautiful, the life and landscape under the water is just as breathtaking! To the untrained eye, everything under the water tends to look the same, with little to no diversity...however when you take an even closer look, you begin to realize life under the water is more…
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