Ka’awaloa Bay

Ka’awaloa Bay

Ka’awaloa Bay - Captain Cook Monument: A Bucket List Adventure Ka’awaloa Bay - Captain Cook Monument: As I paddled across the gentle ripples of Kealakekua Bay, the world seemed to fall away behind me—no traffic noise, no bustling crowds, just the rhythmic splash of my paddle cutting through glassy waters. Above me, the cliffs of Ka’awaloa Bay stood like ancient guardians, protecting one of the most serene and historically rich spots on the Big Island. In that moment, I realized something profound: Ka’awaloa Bay isn’t just a destination—it’s a portal to both adventure and the past.If you’re an adventurous traveler,…
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Arnott’s Lodge Thanksgiving Celebration in 2024

Arnott’s Lodge Thanksgiving Celebration in 2024

Aloha, this is Doug Arnott updating our Blog and apologizing for such a big gap since Christmas 2023. So much has happened that time flew and here we are with word that a major East and Gulf coast Dock Strike was avoided but that workers will get $62 an hour. On the other side of the world we await anxiously to see Israel's response to Iran's attack and how that situation and Ukraine play out and what impact it may have on Tourism. These things matter to travelers as airports can descend into Chaos when a destination is impacted by…
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Arnott’s Lodge Christmas 2023

Arnott’s Lodge Christmas 2023

Here we are at Christmas time 2023. Today we had our staff Christmas party, which was marked by two things. One was the amazing cake and chocolate strawberries provided by Mauna Kea Guide Andras and his wife. The other was a very clever game facilitated by Lauren involving a tightly wound ball of Saran Wrap that was hundreds of layers deep and shed all kinds of goodies as it was unwound on the roll of a dice. As we approach the winter season for Mauna Kea we have yet to have a full sub-zero night, as the same conditions that have…
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Happy Thanksgiving from Arnott’s Lodge

Happy Thanksgiving from Arnott’s Lodge

Aloha to all prospective and past guests. As we approach Thanksgiving 2023 we are truly blessed to be here in Hilo Hawaii in such a beautiful area and having had enough recent rain to keep all the vegetation green while most of the State is experiencing drought. This past year has seen ongoing changes and evolution in furnishings in our open areas as well as major changes in Landscaping and beautification of neighboring areas under our care. New guests will experience the beauty of our area and proximity of nearby Beach Parks while our many repeat guests and Educational Groups will…
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Throwback to ’95

Throwback to ’95

This past week we were given a gift in the form of several photos of Arnott's Lodge and our Mauna Kea tour all the way back from 1995! We want to say a special thank you to Geerten Kalter of Delft, Holland, for sending us his pictures. We have been in operation since 1990 and are so grateful to all the people we've met along the way. Things sure have changed! One of our original tour vehicles. You have to love the old suburban. Traveling to the summit of Mauna Kea. A view of the shadow cast by Mauna Kea…
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Traveler’s Blog

Traveler’s Blog

Aloha all travellers who have booked at Arnotts Lodge... As we are also avid travellers we have some tips for you in todays world of mass cancellations and disruptions to travel plans. While Hawaii has generally been lucky, we have guests coming in late due to cancellations elsewhere, especially flights into Kona which then means guests simply cannot get to us in time for their first night. Our No.1 Travel tip is BUY TRAVEL INSURANCE. It is relatively inexpensive compared to your overall trip cost and gives you peace of mind if you are caught up in a serial delay.  Many…
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Blog on Late Check-ins

Blog on Late Check-ins

You have probably found Arnott's as you are looking for a good price, and we are often the lowest of the well-rated Hotels in Hilo. There is a reason for this, as we are a small operation two miles from the nearest "Big Hotel" in an uncrowded coastal area and residential neighborhood, away from the center of town, and we do not charge "Resort Fees" nor do we charge for parking, so right there you are saving money. Another important saving that we pass on to you is that, like the rest of America, it is hard to find staff,…
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2023 starts with a new Kilauea eruption

2023 starts with a new Kilauea eruption

Aloha to Arnott's Guests and future guests!This is an update to the current status of the Kilauea volcano and its eruption. As of January 10th, 2023, there is a spectacular lake of molten lava with one fountain that varies from a few to 30 feet or more in height (10m +.)The Hawaii Volcanoes National Park staff have have prepared great viewing areas that are very close to the crater and allow spectacular photography. Be aware, however, that the full show does not begin until the sun sets (currently around 6:00 p.m.) and that large crowds and long waits for parking…
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The New Eruption of Mauna Loa

The New Eruption of Mauna Loa

On the evening of November 27th at 11:30 p.m., we were just getting ready to sleep when social media became alive with news of a lurid glow over Mauna Loa and that an eruption was in progress. This announcement followed months of increased activity after years of mild tremor recorded by sensitive instruments placed at strategic points on the mountain. Of course in a very short time the Internet was flooded with pictures from 360 degrees around the mountain of very strong glow. A quick visit to ever-patient HVO research Webcams on Mauna Loa's NW corner of the Caldera Rim…
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Doug Arnott Discusses our SUNSET and stargazing Mauna Kea tour

Doug Arnott Discusses our SUNSET and stargazing Mauna Kea tour

Aloha guests and future guests. My Blog today is about our Mauna Kea Summit tour and why some companies advertise the use of expensive telescopes while we use a Laser Pointer, and also why our emphasis is on SUNSET and not so much on stargazing. Most people who go up Mauna Kea, have never experienced anything like this amazing adventure, nor have they experienced the clarity of our atmosphere that has you gasping in wonder with your eyes; not even with binoculars.Many realize for the first time that we are part of a highly visible VAST galaxy that looks like…
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