A Blog by Doug Arnott, founder and owner of Arnotts

A Blog by Doug Arnott, founder and owner of Arnotts

Adventure, affordable, Budget, Camping, COVID, distance work, Environmental, Hawaii, Hilo, Nature, Ocean, Outdoors, safety, Travel, Traveling, Wifi
Douglass Arnott standing in one of Arnotts guest areas. While 2020 with Covid raging around the world has presented its challenges, we find ourselves approaching Christmas with a deep appreciation for Hilo and the Big Island of Hawaii where we are based.Our small population...only 200,000 on a large island and our sense of Ohana (family) and of Kuleana (ones obligation to others) has seen us through; far better than many other places. Going into 2021 we will probably see hesitancy by our usual clients of Paddling, Hula, Soccer, Rugby, Biking, Adventure Hiking and of course our Au Pair camper groups to travel in numbers, and so we find ourselves pondering who might we reach out to who could utilize our unique Hotel and the vans and buses which used to serve…
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Hau’oli Makahiki Hou  from Arnott’s Lodge

Hau’oli Makahiki Hou from Arnott’s Lodge

The Christmas Holidays have bought major occupancy back to Hilo hotels, along with the reopening of the Mauna Kea Summit road after a lengthy closure due to cultural differences over construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope. As we have provided free transport to the summit of Mauna Kea to cultural practitioners for the past 27 years, we understand their passion over this issue, which is not finished but on hiatus for the winter. photo by Citizens of the World Winter weather in Hawaii usually means night temperatures can drop to the mid 60s F or 17 C with daytime temps still ranging from the mid 70s to 80s F or 23-28 C. This relatively minor change in yearly temperature averages is one of the golden reasons why Hawaii remains such an…
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